Summer 2024
- 这取决于您的浏览器大小,或者您是否在移动设备上查看表格, some information may be hidden. 要查看其他信息,请单击每个课程左侧的加号(+).
- 访问代码和打开的全球网络赌博平台是不退款的.
About the Textbook Program
所有注册课程的教材计划费用为每门课程70美元. 此费用包括提供的数字课件和/或教科书. BibliU以数字格式提供了大约95%的所需材料. 剩下的5%所需材料可以在喷气机商店买到. 这些材料是自费的或包含在课程材料费中. These charges can be verified in the “查找课本链接”.
如果学生想要电子版的纸质书,他们是可以的 opt-out of the textbook program 在上课的第三天,从其他供应商或通过喷气机商店购买他们的教科书. 如果学生决定退出,他们将选择退出整个学期的所有课程. 选择退出前7周课程的学生将无法选择参加后7周的课程. This is an all-in or all-out program. 学生可以使用商店提供的经济援助资金购买课程材料和经济援助涵盖的任何用品.
学生可以使用“查找课本链接” on the Jets Store site. 学生可以找到以下信息:内容(材料类型), Content title, Where to Find, 内容版, Cost, and the ISBN.
- Included in Textbook Program Fee -通过BibliU提供的数字材料由“教科书计划费”承担
- Included in Course Material Fee -注册课程时所涉及的材料.
- Dollar Amount -自费材料, 这些材料不包括在“教材全球网络赌博平台费或课程材料费”之内。
Where to Find
- BibliU -当学生点击画布课程左侧的BibliU选项卡时,他们将收到一个访问代码. 学生将需要复制访问代码,这将把他们带到出版商的页面访问他们的材料, 除非导师另有指示. 学生需要首先使用个人电脑或笔记本电脑访问BibliU的材料, before access material on the App.
- Canvas -学生可以通过教师提供的链接,在Canvas的在线课程中找到他们的数字材料.
- Jets Store -学生有两种选择来接收这些材料, 他们可以在营业时间到商店购买他们的材料,或者在喷气机商店网站上订购他们的课程材料喷气机商店网站会给你两个选择, 要么在仓库提货,要么要求发货. 如果学生选择这个选项,需要支付12美元的运费. 课件材料(访问码)将在购买后通过电子邮件发送给学生.
- 老师提供的 -讲师会给你课程所需的材料
- Materials Provided in Class -课堂所需的任何材料由讲师分发.
- OER – Material provided by the Instructor
Content Type
以下是可用的教科书类型. 您可以通过搜索下表找到您的教科书类型.
- Courseware —软件或平台i.e. MyMathLab, MyLab, MindTap..
- eBook – Digital version of Textbook
- 物理课本/包 -物理教材
- OER -讲师分发的数字材料
- 退出所有页面并清除浏览器历史记录
- PC用户:使用Chrome或FireFox浏览器,MacBook用户:使用FireFox浏览器
- Log in and click BibliU Link
如果您已经尝试了上述步骤,但仍然有问题, email the Jets Store at JetsStore@jccmi.从您的全球网络赌博平台电子邮件中发送以下信息:课程和课程编号(i.e ENG 132 01)以及问题的截图.
截屏并发送电子邮件到JetsStore@jccmi.包含以下信息:课程和课程编号(i.e ENG 132 01)
- 退出所有页面并清除浏览器历史记录
- PC用户:使用Chrome或FireFox浏览器,MacBook用户:使用FireFox浏览器
- 登录到您的Canvas课程,并单击讲师嵌入到您的课程中的链接
如果您已经尝试了上述步骤,但仍然有问题, email the Jets Store at JetsStore@jccmi.从您的全球网络赌博平台电子邮件中发送以下信息:课程和课程编号(i.e ENG 132 01)以及问题的截图.
Dept | No | Sec | Course Title | Content Type | ISBN | Adoption Title | Edition | Author | Publisher | Where to Find | Cost | Start | End |
ACC | 131 | I1 | 介绍会计 | Courseware | 9780357507858 | Using Financial Accounting | 1 | 沃伦·琼斯/农民 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 231 | I1 | 首席会计I | Courseware | 9781990337420 | Financial Accounting Principles | 5 | Joffe | AME Learning | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 231 | I50 | 首席会计I | Courseware | 9781990337420 | Financial Accounting Principles | 5 | Joffe | AME Learning | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ACC | 232 | I1 | 首席会计II | Courseware | 9781989003763 | Managerial Accounting Principles | 3 | Hillard | AME Learning | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I1 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595404 | 构建模块会计:财务视角版本901-中级, 公司:没有工作表, calculation | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I1 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595480 | 构建模块会计:管理角度版本710-管理, 常规:过程成本 | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I2 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595404 | 构建模块会计:财务视角版本901-中级, 公司:没有工作表, calculation | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I2 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595480 | 构建模块会计:管理角度版本710-管理, 常规:过程成本 | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I3 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595404 | 构建模块会计:财务视角版本901-中级, 公司:没有工作表, calculation | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ACC | 245 | I3 | Internship | Courseware | 9781736595480 | 构建模块会计:管理角度版本710-管理, 常规:过程成本 | 1 | Cybertext | Cybertext | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ANT | 131 | I50 | 文化人类学 | Ebook | 9780357692899 | 文化人类学:人类的挑战 | 15 | Haviland, Prins, McBride, Walrath | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ANT | 131 | I51 | 文化人类学 | Ebook | 9780357692899 | 文化人类学:人类的挑战 | 15 | Haviland, Prins, McBride, Walrath | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ART | 103 | 01 | 图纸一:基础 | 讲师将提供上课所需材料清单 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ART | 112 | H81 | History:Renaissance-Present | Ebook | 9780357660959 | 加德纳的《全球网络赌博平台》 | 5 | Fred S. Kleiner | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ART | 112 | I1 | History:Renaissance-Present | Ebook | 9780357660959 | 加德纳的《全球网络赌博平台》 | 5 | Fred S. Kleiner | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ART | 112 | I50 | History:Renaissance-Present | Ebook | 9780357660959 | 加德纳的《全球网络赌博平台》 | 5 | Fred S. Kleiner | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ART | 137 | I50 | 数码摄影 | 讲师将提供上课所需材料清单 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
BIO | 110 | I50 | 介绍生物 | Courseware | 9780135308622 | 生物学:核心 | 3 | Simon | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 110 | I51 | 介绍生物 | Courseware | 9780135308622 | 生物学:核心 | 3 | Simon | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 132 | 01 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 132 | I1 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 132 | I2 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 132 | I3 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 132 | I50 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 132 | I51 | Human Biology | Courseware | 9781265991494 | 人类生物学(Connect 3P Inclusive Access For Human Biology Online Access) | 17 | Mader | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 140 | I50 | 酒吧卫生/疾病 | Ebook | 9781284197594 | Introducation to Public Health | 6 | Schneider | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 140 | I51 | 酒吧卫生/疾病 | Ebook | 9781284197594 | Introducation to Public Health | 6 | Schneider | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 220 | I50 | Microbiology | Ebook | 9781506698113 | OpenStax-Microbiology | 1 | 帕克,福斯特等人 | OpenStax | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 220 | I50 | Microbiology | Courseware | 9781260451252 | Microbiology - A Systems Approach | 7 | Cowan | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 220 | I51 | Microbiology | Ebook | 9781506698113 | OpenStax-Microbiology | 1 | 帕克,福斯特等人 | OpenStax | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 220 | I51 | Microbiology | Courseware | 9781260451252 | Microbiology - A Systems Approach | 7 | Cowan | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 253 | 01 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 253 | I1 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 253 | I2 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 254 | H50 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 254 | H81 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BIO | 254 | I1 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BIO | 254 | I2 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | Courseware | 9781265328627 | 解剖学与生理学:形式与功能的统一 | 10 | Saladin | McGraw-Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BUA | 100 | I50 | 当代商业 | Ebook | 9780357717943 | 商业基础 | 7 | Pride, Hughes, Kapoor | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 111 | I50 | 个人理财 | Courseware | 9781119797111 | 个人理财入门:开始你的理财之旅威利加单学期 | 2 | 格拉布尔和帕尔默 | Wiley | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 121 | I50 | Leadership | Ebook | 9780357716304 | 领导经验(0330/JC) (Custom) | 8 | Daft | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 122 | I50 | Successful Small Business | Courseware | 9780357718803 | Small Business Management: Launching & 借助Mindtap发展创业企业 | 20 | Longenecker, Justin, et al. | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 130 | I50 | 客户服务 | Ebook | 9781133683803 | World of 客户服务 | 3 | Gibson | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 190 | H71 | Strategic Business Management | Ebook | 9781305502277 | 战略管理 | 13 | 希尔,席林,琼斯 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 190 | I50 | Strategic Business Management | Ebook | 9781305502277 | 战略管理 | 13 | 希尔,席林,琼斯 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 220 | I50 | 管理学原理 | Ebook | 9780357517123 | Management | 13 | Griffin | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 230 | I50 | 市场营销原理 | Courseware | 9780357129388 | MindTap for Foundations of Marketing | 9 | Pride, Ferrell | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 245 | I1 | 实习/校外实习 | Ebook | 9781305966826 | 成功的实习 | 5 | Fredrick Switzer and Mary King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
BUA | 245 | I50 | 实习/校外实习 | Ebook | 9781305966826 | 成功的实习 | 5 | Fredrick Switzer and Mary King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
BUA | 250 | I50 | Business Law I | Ebook | 9780357635223 | Business Law Today: The Essentials | 13 | Miller | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CAD | 152 | I50 | Solidworks 1 | Ebook | 9781630574642 | Solidworks 2022 Basic Tools | 1 | Paul Tran | 署的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CAD | 252 | I50 | Solidworks 3 | Ebook | 9781630574673 | Solidworks 2022 Advanced Techniques | 2022 | Paul Tran | 署的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CAD | 252 | I50 | Solidworks 3 | Ebook | 9781630574185 | 掌握表面建模与Solidworks 2021 | 2021 | Lini Tran | 署的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CAD | 252 | I50 | Solidworks 3 | Ebook | 9781630574697 | 工程分析与Solidworks仿真2022 | 2022 | Paul Kurowski | 署的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CEM | 131 | I50 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | Ebook | 9781264771585 | 介绍化学 | 3 | Burdge | McGraw-Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CEM | 131 | I51 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | Ebook | 9781264771585 | 介绍化学 | 3 | Burdge | McGraw-Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CEM | 141 | I50 | 普通化学I | 物理材料 | Coursepack & Googles | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/10/2024 | 7/28/2024 | ||||
CEM | 141 | I51 | 普通化学I | 物理材料 | Coursepack & Googles | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/10/2024 | 7/28/2024 | ||||
CEM | 142 | I50 | 普通化学II | 物理材料 | Coursepack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/10/2024 | 7/28/2024 | ||||
CIS | 101 | I1 | Intro to Computer Systems | Courseware | 9780357676660 | MindTap | 1 | 凯布尔,弗洛伊德,蒙克,塞布克,斯塔克斯,弗马茨 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
CIS | 101 | I50 | Intro to Computer Systems | Courseware | 9780357676660 | MindTap | 1 | 凯布尔,弗洛伊德,蒙克,塞布克,斯塔克斯,弗马茨 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CIS | 101 | I51 | Intro to Computer Systems | Courseware | 9780357676660 | MindTap | 1 | 凯布尔,弗洛伊德,蒙克,塞布克,斯塔克斯,弗马茨 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CIS | 101 | I52 | Intro to Computer Systems | Courseware | 9780357676660 | MindTap | 1 | 凯布尔,弗洛伊德,蒙克,塞布克,斯塔克斯,弗马茨 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CIS | 121 | I1 | MS Excel Comprehensive-Window | Courseware | 9780357671993 | New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2019 Comprehensive W/Mindtap | 1 | Patrick Carey | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CIS | 170 | I1 | c++编程 | Courseware | 9780136679608 | 从c++开始从控制结构到对象 | 10 | Gaddis | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
CIS | 188 | I50 | 印刷生产 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
CIS | 201 | I50 | Advanced Information Tech | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
CIS | 210 | I50 | Office Administration Systems | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
CIS | 245 | AE1 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |||||||
CIS | 245 | ICS1 | Internship | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
CIS | 245 | IGD1 | Internship | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
CNS | 101 | I50 | 网络基础知识 | 思科网络学院 | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |||||
CNS | 101 | I51 | 网络基础知识 | 思科网络学院 | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |||||
CNS | 124 | I50 | Microsoft Networking Server II | Ebook | 97801354921277 | Windows Server 2019 Inside Out | 2019 | Thomas | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CNS | 201 | I50 | Network Security/Security+ | Ebook | 9780136798767 | CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 Exam Cram | 6 | Diane Barrett, Martin M. Weiss | 培生IT认证 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CNS | 201 | I50 | Network Security/Security+ | Courseware | NDG安全+ v4 | Network Development Group (NDG) | Network Development Group (NDG) | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||
CNS | 210 | I50 | Python Security | Ebook | 9781789807325 | Python的基本面 | 2018 | Ryan Marvin; Mark Nga; Amos Omondi | Packt | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CNS | 245 | I1 | Networking Intern/Externship | Ebook | 9781305966826 | 成功的实习 | 5 | Fredrick Switzer and Mary King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
CNS | 245 | I50 | Networking Intern/Externship | Ebook | 9781305966826 | 成功的实习 | 5 | Fredrick Switzer and Mary King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CNS | 245 | I51 | Networking Intern/Externship | Ebook | 9781305966826 | 成功的实习 | 5 | Fredrick Switzer and Mary King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CNS | 251 | I50 | 云计算 | Vmware许可 | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |||||
CNS | 251 | I50 | 云计算 | Ebook | 9781119490708 | AWS认证云从业者学习指南 | 1 | Piper, Clinton | Sybex | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 231 | H50 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 231 | H81 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/19/2024 | 7/31/2024 |
COM | 231 | I1 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
COM | 231 | I50 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 231 | I51 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 231 | I52 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 231 | I53 | Communication Fundamentals | Ebook | 9780133866384 | Human Communication: The Basic Course | 14 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 240 | H50 | Interpersonal Communication | Ebook | 9780134202044 | 人际关系的消息 | 4 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 240 | H71 | Interpersonal Communication | Ebook | 9780134202044 | 人际关系的消息 | 4 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 240 | I50 | Interpersonal Communication | Ebook | 9780134202044 | 人际关系的消息 | 4 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 240 | I51 | Interpersonal Communication | Ebook | 9780134202044 | 人际关系的消息 | 4 | Joseph DeVito | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
COM | 250 | I50 | 跨文化通讯 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
COM | 250 | I51 | 跨文化通讯 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
COM | 250 | I52 | 跨文化通讯 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
COM | 250 | I53 | 跨文化通讯 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
CPS | 177 | I1 | c++编程 | Courseware | 9780136679608 | 从c++开始从控制结构到对象 | 10 | Gaddis | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
CRJ | 102 | I50 | 刑事调查 | Ebook | 9780134115290 | 刑事调查,艺术与科学 | 9 | Lyman | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CRJ | 111 | I50 | 刑事司法概论 | Ebook | 9781305966062 | Criminal Justice in America | 9 | Cole | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CRJ | 117 | I50 | Criminology | Ebook | 9781337557719 | 犯罪学:核心 | 7 | Siegal | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
CRJ | 121 | I50 | 校正简介 | Ebook | 9780357695517 | 今天修正 | 4 | siegal | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DHY | 104 | I1 | Biochemistry & Nutrition | Ebook | 9780323497275 | 牙齿保健师营养护理指南 | 4 | Kakle, Bastin | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DHY | 111 | I1 | Principles in Dental Hygiene 2 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
DHY | 115 | 01 | Clinical Dh 1 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/24/2024 | ||||||
DHY | 115 | 02 | Clinical Dh 1 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/24/2024 | ||||||
DHY | 120 | H50 | 牙科材料 | Ebook | 978032596602 | 牙科材料:牙科助理和牙科保健员的临床应用 | 4 | Kakle, Bastin | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 7/13/2024 |
DHY | 121 | I1 | Pharm. 供牙科保健师使用 | Ebook | 9780323595391 | 牙科保健员应用药理学 | 9 | Elena Haveles | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 100 | I50 | Intro Diagnostic Imaging | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 100 | I51 | Intro Diagnostic Imaging | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 101 | I50 | 超声定位 | 物理教科书 | 9781933250021 | Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 4 | 珀加索斯学习 | Pegasus | Jets Store | $123.49 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 101 | I50 | 超声定位 | Ebook | 9780323322843 | Ultrasonography; an Introduction to Normal Structure and Functional Anatomy | 4 | Curry, R.A., Tempkin, B.B | W.B Saunders Co | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 104 | I50 | Intro Sonographic Instrum | Ebook | 9781933250120 | 超声波物理 & 仪表 | 6 | Miele, F | Pegasus | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 超声医师视角下的超声心动图:笔记 & 工作簿的包 | 8 | Susan K. Dewitt | Jets Store | $187.00 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 9780989428002 | Essentials of Echocardiography | 4 | 珀加索斯学习 | Pegasus | Jets Store | $123.49 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 9780578687179 | Echocardiographer’s Pocket Reference | 5 | Richard Palma | 亚利桑那心脏基金会 | Jets Store | $170.00 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 9780992322212 | 超声心动图:正常检查和超声心动图测量 | 3 | Bonita Anderson | MGA Graphics | Jets Store | $180.72 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 9780323882088 | Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography | 7 | Catherine M. Otto | 爱思唯尔桑德斯 | Jets Store | $186.19 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Physical Book | 超声心动图公式复习指南:原生瓣膜和心内压 | American Society of Echocardiography | Jets Store | $40.00 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |||
DMS | 144 | I1 | Cardiovascular Principles | Courseware | KeLabs Simulation Software | KeLabs | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |||
DMS | 148 | I1 | 临床二级回声 | Courseware | Trajecsys | Trajecsys | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/24/2024 | |||
DMS | 197 | 50 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 197 | 51 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 197 | 52 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 197 | 53 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 197 | 54 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 197 | I50 | 临床简介 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 206 | I1 | Sonograph 仪表 | Ebook | 9781933250120 | 超声波物理 & 仪表 | 6 | Miele, F | Pegasus | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
DMS | 208 | I50 | AP Abdominal & Post Op | Ebook | 9781608314324 | 血管系统指南(练习册) | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 7/9/2024 |
DMS | 208 | I50 | AP Abdominal & Post Op | Ebook | 9781975175269 | 血管系统 | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 7/9/2024 |
DMS | 208 | I50 | AP Abdominal & Post Op | Ebook | 9780941022835 | 介绍血管扫描:指南为完整的初学者 | 4 | 唐纳德山脊路 | Davies | Jets Store | $88.29 | 5/20/2024 | 7/9/2024 |
DMS | 209 | I50 | Vson Capstone | Ebook | 9781608314324 | 血管系统指南(练习册) | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 209 | I50 | Vson Capstone | Ebook | 9781975175269 | 血管系统 | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 209 | I50 | Vson Capstone | Ebook | 9780941022835 | 介绍血管扫描:指南为完整的初学者 | 4 | 唐纳德山脊路 | Davies | Jets Store | $88.29 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
DMS | 212 | I60 | 综合超声 | 物理教科书 | 9781933250021 | Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 4 | Hickey | Pegasus | Jets Store | $123.49 | 6/17/2024 | 8/3/2024 |
DMS | 212 | I60 | 综合超声 | Ebook | 9780323582285 | 超声检查回顾:物理,腹部,产科 & Gynecology | 3 | Susanna Ovel RDMS RVT RT(R) | Elsevier Evolve | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/17/2024 | 8/3/2024 |
DMS | 224 | I1 | 临床经历 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
DMS | 266 | I1 | 血管 | Courseware | Trajecsys | Trajecsys | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/25/2024 | |||
DMS | 266 | I1 | 血管 | Ebook | 9781608314324 | 血管系统指南(练习册) | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/25/2024 |
DMS | 266 | I1 | 血管 | Ebook | 9781975175269 | 血管系统 | 3 | 安·玛丽·库宾斯基 | 威科集团 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/25/2024 |
DMS | 266 | I1 | 血管 | Ebook | 9780941022835 | 介绍血管扫描:指南为完整的初学者 | 4 | 唐纳德山脊路 | Davies | Jets Store | $88.29 | 5/20/2024 | 8/25/2024 |
ECM | 201 | I50 | Advanced Information Tech | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ECN | 231 | I50 | Macroeconomics | Ebook | 9781305506725 | Economics: Public and Private Choice | 16 | Gwartney | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 231 | I50 | Macroeconomics | Ebook | 9780134531984 | Economics of Public Issues | 20 | 米勒,本杰明,北 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 231 | I51 | Macroeconomics | Ebook | 9781305506725 | Economics: Public and Private Choice | 16 | Gwartney | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 231 | I51 | Macroeconomics | Ebook | 9780134531984 | Economics of Public Issues | 20 | 米勒,本杰明,北 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 232 | I50 | Microeconomics | Ebook | 9781305506725 | Economics: Public and Private Choice | 16 | Gwartney | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 232 | I50 | Microeconomics | Ebook | 9780134531984 | Economics of Public Issues | 20 | 米勒,本杰明,北 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 232 | I51 | Microeconomics | Ebook | 9781305506725 | Economics: Public and Private Choice | 16 | Gwartney | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ECN | 232 | I51 | Microeconomics | Ebook | 9780134531984 | Economics of Public Issues | 20 | 米勒,本杰明,北 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
EDU | 221 | I50 | 探索教学 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
EGY | 101 | I50 | 能源产业基金 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
EGY | 101 | I51 | 能源产业基金 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
EGY | 345 | I50 | Energy Systems Internship | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ELT | 106 | I50 | Basic Elec. & Fluid | Ebook | 9780357710203 | 工业水电主干管 | 10 | Brumbach | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 106 | I51 | Basic Elec. & Fluid | Ebook | 9780357710203 | 工业水电主干管 | 10 | Brumbach | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 120 | I50 | 电路分析I | Ebook | 9780357710203 | 工业水电主干管 | 10 | Brumbach | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 130 | I50 | Electronics I | Courseware | 9781337799041 | 电工电子产品(附MindTap) | 7 | Stephen Herman | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 150 | I50 | 住宅布线 | Physical Book | 9781455930357 | NEC 2023国家电气规范 | 2023 | NFPA | NEC EA | Jets Store | ELT 150捆绑包$90.89 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 150 | I50 | 住宅布线 | Physical Book | 9781284275919 | Ugly's Electrical References 2023 | 7 | Miller | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | Jets Store | ELT 150捆绑包$90.89 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 150 | I50 | 住宅布线 | Physical Book | 9781622703050 | BBI快速标签为国家电气规范2023 | 2023 | Builders Book | Builders Book | Jets Store | ELT 150捆绑包$90.89 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 150 | I50 | 住宅布线 | Courseware | 9780357425763 | Electrical Wiring Residential | 20 | Mullin, Simmons | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ELT | 220 | I50 | Industrial Motion Control | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ELT | 261 | I50 | 高级PLC编程 | Ebook | 9780357622568 | 可编程控制器技术人员指南 | 7 | Borden and Cox | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
EMS | 116 | H1 | Emerg. Medical Resp | Coursware | 9781284243123 | 导航优势访问紧急医疗响应:您在紧急护理中的第一反应 | 7 | AAOS | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
EMS | 123 | H1 | Emt-Basic技术 | Courseware | 9781284227215 | EMT导航总理 | 12 | AAOS | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
EMS | 1231 | 01 | Emt-Basic技术: Clinical | Courseware | 9781284132014 | FISDAP - Internship Package | 1 | FISDAP/ Jones & 巴特利特学习 | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
EMS | 154 | H1 | Advanced EMT | Courseware | 9781284244120 | 导航首要访问先进的紧急护理和运输 | 4 | AAOS | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
ENG | 131 | 01 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | 02 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | 03 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | 12 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | 81 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | H50 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | H71 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I1 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I50 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I51 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I52 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I53 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 131 | I54 | 写作经历一 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 132 | H50 | 写作经历二 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 132 | H71 | 写作经历二 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 132 | I50 | 写作经历二 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 132 | I51 | 写作经历二 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 132 | I52 | 写作经历二 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENG | 232 | I50 | Tech & 商务写作 | Ebook | 9780357505656 | 写作10个核心概念 | 3 | Yagelski | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ENG | 232 | I51 | Tech & 商务写作 | Ebook | 9780357505656 | 写作10个核心概念 | 3 | Yagelski | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Ebook | 9781305642362 | 文学与儿童 | 9 | Galda et al. | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9780547152288 | Dark Emperor and Other Poems | 1 | Joyce Sidman | 霍顿•米夫林公司 | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9780763676711 | Flora & Ulysses | 1 | 凯特·迪·卡米洛 | Candlewick | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9780312643003 | Rain Reign | 1 | Ann Martin | Feiwel & Friends | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9780375867125 | A Splash of Red | 1 | Jen Bryant | Knopf | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9781596436039 | Viva Frida | 1 | Yuyi Morales | 咆哮溪出版社 | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9781626727465 | 炸面包:美国原住民的家庭故事 | 1 | 凯文·诺布尔·马拉德 | 咆哮溪出版社 | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 978006269119 | New Kid | 1 | Jerry Craft | Harper | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 254 | I50 | 儿童文学 | Physical Book | 9780823441556 | Hey Water | 1 | 安托瓦内特波蒂斯所写的 | 尼尔·波特图书 | Local Library | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | |
ENG | 256 | I50 | 20世纪美国文学 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
ENT | 101 | I50 | 101年创业 | Courseware | 9780133934458 | Entrepreneurship with MyLab | 4 | Mariotti & Glackin | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
GEL | 109 | I50 | Earth Science | 物理材料 | Rock & Lab Kit | Jets Store | $183.57 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||
GEL | 109 | I50 | Earth Science | Ebook | 9781285733418 | 变化中的地球:探索地质与演化 | 7 | 门罗和维肯德 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
GEL | 109 | I51 | Earth Science | 物理材料 | Rock & Lab Kit | Jets Store | $183.57 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||
GEL | 109 | I51 | Earth Science | Ebook | 9781285733418 | 变化中的地球:探索地质与演化 | 7 | 门罗和维肯德 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
GEO | 131 | I50 | 自然地理 | Ebook | 9780190246860 | 自然地理学:全球环境 | 5 | Mason, Burt, Muller, deBlij | OU Press | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
GEO | 132 | I50 | World Regions | Ebook | 9780135276549 | 全球化与多样性:变化中的世界地理学 | 6 | Price, Lester, Lewis, Wyckoff | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HIS | 211 | I50 | Minority Groups in America | Ebook | 9780134737621 | Strangers to These Shores | 12 | Vincent N. Parrillo | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HIS | 211 | I51 | Minority Groups in America | Ebook | 9780134737621 | Strangers to These Shores | 12 | Vincent N. Parrillo | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HIS | 231 | I50 | 通过内战发展美国 | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
HIS | 235 | I50 | 20世纪历史 | Ebook | 9780357700006 | Contemporary World History | 7 | Duiker | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HOC | 110 | I50 | CPR & First Aid | Courseware | 9781616697969 | American Heart Certificate | AHA | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||
HOC | 110 | I50 | CPR & First Aid | Courseware | 9781284430547 | 先进的急救,心肺复苏术和AED导航优势访问 | 8 | AAOS | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HOC | 130 | I50 | Intro Health Occupations | Courseware | 9780357419991 | 炖的DHO健康科学更新与MindTap访问 | 9 | Simmers | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HOC | 130 | I51 | Intro Health Occupations | Courseware | 9780357419991 | 炖的DHO健康科学更新与MindTap访问 | 9 | Simmers | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HOC | 130 | I52 | Intro Health Occupations | Courseware | 9780357419991 | 炖的DHO健康科学更新与MindTap访问 | 9 | Simmers | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HOC | 135 | I60 | EKG Technician | Courseware | 9781305119000 | 心电图要领与MindTap访问 | 1 | Soto | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/2/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
HOC | 145 | I50 | 放血技术 | Courseware | 9781337284295 | 完全教科书的静脉切开术与MindTap访问 | 5 | Hoeltke | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/27/2024 |
HPF | 160 | I50 | Wellness | OER | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
HPF | 165 | I1 | 划线健身 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
HPF | 165 | I2 | 划线健身 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
HPF | 277 | I50 | 压力管理 | Ebook | 9781284180725 | Essentials of Managing Stress | 5 | Brian Luke Seaward | Jones & 巴特利特学习 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HUM | 131 | H71 | 文化的关系 | Courseware | 9781337274937 | Culture and Values with MindTap | 9 | Cunningham | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HUM | 131 | I50 | 文化的关系 | Courseware | 9781337274937 | Culture and Values with MindTap | 9 | Cunningham | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HUM | 131 | I51 | 文化的关系 | Courseware | 9781337274937 | Culture and Values with MindTap | 9 | Cunningham | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
HUM | 131 | I52 | 文化的关系 | Courseware | 9781337274937 | Culture and Values with MindTap | 9 | Cunningham | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
LTL | 561 | 01 | 个性化的健身 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
LTL | 582 | 50 | Light Walking | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 033 | BC1 | 统计学代数 | Materials Provided in Course MAT 133 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 033 | BCI1 | 统计学代数 | Materials Provided in Course MAT 133 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 039 | BCI1 | 开始代数 | Materials Provided in Course MAT 139 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 040 | BCI1 | Quant Reasoning Fundamentals | Materials Provided in Course MAT 130 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 040 | BCI2 | Quant Reasoning Fundamentals | Materials Provided in Course MAT 130 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
MAT | 130 | 01 | Quant Reasoning | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 130 | 01 | Quant Reasoning | 物理教科书 | 9781264260966 | 数学在我们的世界:一个必要的方法 | 2 | Sobecki/Mercer | McGraw Hill | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 130 | 01 | Quant Reasoning | Courseware | 9781264949045 | 亚历克斯360 /数学在我们的世界一个必要的方法 | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 130 | I1 | Quant Reasoning | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 130 | I1 | Quant Reasoning | 物理教科书 | 9781264260966 | 数学在我们的世界:一个必要的方法 | 2 | Sobecki/Mercer | McGraw Hill | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 130 | I1 | Quant Reasoning | Courseware | 9781264949045 | 亚历克斯360 /数学在我们的世界一个必要的方法 | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 130 | I2 | Quant Reasoning | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 130 | I2 | Quant Reasoning | Courseware | 9781264949045 | 亚历克斯360 /数学在我们的世界一个必要的方法 | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 130A | BCI1 | Quant Reasoning | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 130A | BCI1 | Quant Reasoning | 物理教科书 | 9781264260966 | 数学在我们的世界:一个必要的方法 | 2 | Sobecki/Mercer | McGraw Hill | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 130A | BCI1 | Quant Reasoning | Courseware | 9781264949045 | 亚历克斯360 /数学在我们的世界一个必要的方法 | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 130A | BCI2 | Quant Reasoning | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 130A | BCI2 | Quant Reasoning | 物理教科书 | 9781264260966 | 数学在我们的世界:一个必要的方法 | 2 | Sobecki/Mercer | McGraw Hill | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 130A | BCI2 | Quant Reasoning | Courseware | 9781264949045 | 亚历克斯360 /数学在我们的世界一个必要的方法 | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 130 | I2 | Quant Reasoning | 物理教科书 | 9781264260966 | 数学在我们的世界:一个必要的方法 | 2 | Sobecki/Mercer | McGraw Hill | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 133 | 01 | 概率论 & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133 | 01 | 概率论 & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133 | 71 | 概率论 & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133 | 71 | 概率论 & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133 | 81 | 概率论 & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133 | 81 | 概率论 & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133 | I1 | 概率论 & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133 | I1 | 概率论 & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133 | I2 | 概率论 & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133 | I2 | 概率论 & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133A | BC1 | Intro Prob & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133A | BC1 | Intro Prob & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 133A | BCI1 | Intro Prob & Stats | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 133A | BCI1 | Intro Prob & Stats | Courseware | 9780137248551 | MyStatLab / Sullivan’s Statistics:使用数据做出明智的决定 | 6 | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 135 | I1 | 有限的数学 | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 135 | I1 | 有限的数学 | Courseware | 9780134675985 | My Math Lab | 14 | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 139 | I1 | 大学代数 | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 139 | I1 | 大学代数 | Courseware | 9780135902387 | MyLab数学与eText大学代数建模 & Visualization | 6 | Rockwold | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 139A | BCI1 | 大学代数 | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 139A | BCI1 | 大学代数 | Courseware | 9780135902387 | MyLab数学与eText大学代数建模 & Visualization | 6 | Rockwold | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MAT | 141 | 71 | Precalculus | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 141 | 71 | Precalculus | Courseware | 9780138238094 | My Math Lab | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 141 | I1 | Precalculus | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 141 | I1 | Precalculus | Courseware | 9780138238094 | My Math Lab | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MAT | 151 | I1 | Calculus I | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 151 | I1 | Calculus I | Courseware | 9780138184247 | 基于综合复习的微积分MyMath实验室 | 3 | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 154 | I1 | Calculus II | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 154 | I1 | Calculus II | Courseware | 9780138184247 | 基于综合复习的微积分MyMath实验室 | 3 | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 251 | I1 | Calculus III | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 251 | I1 | Calculus III | Courseware | 9780138184247 | 基于综合复习的微积分MyMath实验室 | 3 | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 251 | I2 | Calculus III | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MAT | 251 | I2 | Calculus III | Courseware | 9780138184247 | 基于综合复习的微积分MyMath实验室 | 3 | Pearson | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MAT | 254 | SI1 | 微分方程 | 物理材料 | Course Pack | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MED | 125 | I50 | 人体系统入门 | Courseware | 9780357022351 | Boby Structors and Funchions | 13 | Scott, Fong | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
MED | 225 | H50 | 临床程序I | Courseware | Simtics | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 | ||||
MED | 225 | H50 | 临床程序I | 物理教科书 | 9781719640329 | MA Notes | 4 | Brassington | F.A Davis | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 |
MED | 225 | H50 | 临床程序I | Courseware | 9781305110786 | Blesi - MindTap | 8 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 | |
MED | 235 | H60 | 临床程序II | Courseware | Simtics | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MED | 235 | H60 | 临床程序II | 物理教科书 | 9781719640329 | MA Notes | 4 | Brassington | F.A Davis | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MED | 235 | H60 | 临床程序II | Courseware | 9781305110786 | Blesi - MindTap | 8 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |
MED | 251 | H1 | MA Capstone | Courseware | RMA实践考试 | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||
MED | 251 | H1 | MA Capstone | 物理教科书 | 9781719645164 | MA Review | 3 | Brassington | F.A. Davis | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MED | 252 | 61 | MA Practicum | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 6/10/2024 | 8/4/2024 | ||||||
MFG | 135 | I50 | 工业安全 | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
MFG | 136 | I50 | Blueprint & Measurement | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
MFG | 137 | I50 | Prod. Process | Materials Provided in Class | 老师提供的 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 | ||||||
MIC | 141 | I60 | Principles of Coding/Billing | Ebook | 9780357764060 | 了解健康保险:帐单和报销指南 | 18 | Green | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MIC | 241 | I1 | Physician Office Medical Codin | 实体书包 | 9781646311125 | AAPC Bundle 1 | AAPC | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MIC | 242 | I1 | 先进的账单 | Ebook | 9780357764060 | 了解健康保险:帐单和报销指南 | 18 | Green | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MIC | 255 | I1 | 编码器/开帐单的顶点 | 实体书包 | 9781646311101 | AAPC捆绑 | AAPC | Jets Store | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||
MOA | 112 | I50 | 医学法律与伦理学 | Courseware | 9780357623923 | Applied law and Ethics in Health Care | 1 | Pardew | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 |
MOA | 112 | I60 | 医学法律与伦理学 | Courseware | 9780357623923 | Applied law and Ethics in Health Care | 1 | Pardew | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MOA | 120 | I50 | 医学术语 | Courseware | 9780357513743 | 医学术语 For HP | 9 | 埃尔利希,施罗德 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 |
MOA | 120 | I51 | 医学术语 | Courseware | 9780357513743 | 医学术语 For HP | 9 | 埃尔利希,施罗德 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 |
MOA | 120 | I60 | 医学术语 | Courseware | 9780357513743 | 医学术语 For HP | 9 | 埃尔利希,施罗德 | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MOA | 240 | H50 | Medical Office Procedures | Ebook | 9780357502846 | Medical Assisting: Administrative & 临床能力 | 9 | Blesi | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 6/30/2024 |
MOA | 241 | H60 | Principles-Med Coding/Billing | Ebook | 9780357502846 | Medical Assisting: Administrative & 临床能力 | 9 | Blesi | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/1/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MUS | 131 | I50 | 理解音乐 | Ebook | 9780393876642 | 音乐的乐趣 | 14 | 福尼,Dellantonio | Norton | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 7/1/2024 |
MUS | 131 | I51 | 理解音乐 | Ebook | 9780393876642 | 音乐的乐趣 | 14 | 福尼,Dellantonio | Norton | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 7/8/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
MUS | 131 | I52 | 理解音乐 | Ebook | 9780393876642 | 音乐的乐趣 | 14 | 福尼,Dellantonio | Norton | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
NRS | 145 | I1 | Nutrition | Ebook | 9781719648370 | Lutz's Nutrition and Diet Therapy | 9 | Mazur/Litch | F.A. Davis | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
NRS | 145 | I2 | Nutrition | Ebook | 9781719648370 | Lutz's Nutrition and Diet Therapy | 9 | Mazur/Litch | F.A. Davis | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
NSC | 131 | SI1 | 现代科学 | Courseware | 9781265578305 | 综合科学 | 8 | Tillery | McGraw Hill | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
NSC | 140 | I50 | Contemporary Climate Science | Ebook | 9781316418437 | Introduction to Modern Climate Change | 3 | Dessler, Andrew | Cambridge University Press | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/10/2024 | 7/28/2024 |
PAM | 190 | I50 | Introduction to Public Admin | Ebook | 9781138579668 | Public Administration: An Introduction | 3 | Holzer和Schwester | Ruthledge | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PAM | 220 | I50 | Nonpr领导&bgt | Ebook | 9781544379982 | 非营利组织管理:原则与实践 | 6 | Worth | 圣人的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PAM | 230 | I50 | 人力资源及公营部门 | Ebook | 9781071848906 | 公共服务中的人力资源管理 | 7 | Berman, Bowman, West, Van Mart | 圣人的出版物 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PHL | 231 | I50 | 哲学概论 | Ebook | 9780197612835 | Philosophy, The Quest for Truth | 12 | Pojman, Vaughn | Oxford Press | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PHY | 131 | H1 | 物理概念 | Courseware | 9780135745878 | 物理概念 - Mastering Physics | 13 | Hewitt | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
PHY | 145 | I50 | Introduction to Basic Physics | Courseware | 9780135745878 | 物理概念 - Mastering Physics | 13 | Hewitt | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PHY | 145 | I51 | Introduction to Basic Physics | Courseware | 9780135745878 | 物理概念 - Mastering Physics | 13 | Hewitt | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PLS | 141 | I50 | 美国政府 | Ebook | 9781324034636 | We the People (Full edition) | 14 | 金斯伯格,洛伊,威尔 | Norton | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PLS | 141 | I51 | 美国政府 | Ebook | 9781324034636 | We the People (Full edition) | 14 | 金斯伯格,洛伊,威尔 | Norton | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 7/7/2024 |
PLS | 262 | I50 | 国际关系 | Ebook | 9780135229194 | 国际关系简讯(无登入密码) | 8 | Pevehouse & Goldstein | Pearson | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PNC | 112 | I60 | Pharm PNI | Ebook | 9780323761246 | 临床简介 Pharmacology | 10 | Visovsky, Zambroski | Mosby - Elsevier/Evolve | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/2/2024 | 6/14/2024 |
PNC | 112 | I60 | Pharm PNI | Courseware | 9780323757195 | 临床简介 Pharmacology | 10 | Visovsky, Zambroski | Mosby - Elsevier/Evolve | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/2/2024 | 6/14/2024 |
PNC | 112 | I60 | Pharm PNI | Ebook | 9780323812122 | 临床计算 | 10 | Kee, Marshall, Forrester, Woods | Elsevier | TBA | 5/2/2024 | 6/14/2024 | |
PNC | 112 | I60 | Pharm PNI | Courseware | 9780323812283 | 临床计算 (Evolve) | 10 | Kee, Marshall, Forrester, Woods | Elsevier | TBA | 5/2/2024 | 6/14/2024 | |
PSY | 140 | H50 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 140 | H71 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
PSY | 140 | H81 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
PSY | 140 | I50 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 140 | I51 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 140 | I52 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 140 | I53 | 心理学概论 | Ebook | 9781266097591 | 心理学:一种欣赏的观点 | 6 | King | McGraw Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 152 | I50 | 社会心理学 | Ebook | 9780135198469 | 社会心理学: Goals in Interaction | 7 | Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 245 | I50 | 婴儿期的童年 | Ebook | 9780357374207 | Childhood Voyages in Development | 7 | Rathus | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 252 | I50 | 发展心理学 | Ebook | 9780357657959 | 人类发展 | 9 | Kail | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
PSY | 290 | I50 | 人类性行为 | Ebook | 9780357689943 | Our Sexuality | 13 | Crooks, Baur | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
RAD | 120 | I1 | 放射方向 | Ebook | 9780323674393 | Introduction to Radiologic Technology | 8 | Callaway | Mosby - Elsevier/Evolve | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RAD | 121 | 01 | Radiographic Positioning I | Courseware | RAD Bootcamp (2 year Access) | Clover Learning | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |||
RAD | 121 | 01 | Radiographic Positioning I | Ebook | 9780323653671 | 邦特拉格定位及相关解剖学教科书 | 10 | Lampignano,肯德里克 | Mosby - Elsevier/Evolve | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RAD | 209 | I1 | 横断面成像 | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
RAD | 211 | 01 | 临床实习(三) | 老师提供的 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
RES | 101 | I50 | 呼吸护理 | Physical Book | 9780932887641 | 奥克斯袖珍指南 | 10 | Oakes, Jones | 健康教育家 | Jets Store | 38.13 | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323732956 | Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323598057 | 伊根呼吸护理基本原理练习册 | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284021028 | 多元文化的健康 | 2 | Ritter, Graham | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284206227 | 照顾病人评估及护理计划发展 | 2 | Shelledy,彼得斯 | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323553698 | Resp的临床表现及评价. Disease | 8 | 伯顿,查顿 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284139792 | 呼吸保健药理学原理 | 3 | Bills | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323551274 | Pilbeam’s Mechanical Ventilation | 7 | Cairo | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284139686 | 基础心律失常简介 | 5 | Atwood | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 01 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | 物理包 | 9780932887405 | 奥克斯呼吸束 | 1 | Oakes, Jones | 健康教育家 | Jets Store | $128.70 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323732956 | Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323598057 | 伊根呼吸护理基本原理练习册 | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284021028 | 多元文化的健康 | 2 | Ritter, Graham | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284206227 | 照顾病人评估及护理计划发展 | 2 | Shelledy,彼得斯 | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323553698 | Resp的临床表现及评价. Disease | 8 | 伯顿,查顿 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284139792 | 呼吸保健药理学原理 | 3 | Bills | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9780323551274 | Pilbeam’s Mechanical Ventilation | 7 | Cairo | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | Ebook | 9781284139686 | 基础心律失常简介 | 5 | Atwood | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 110 | 02 | Respiratory Care Techniques II | 物理包 | 9780932887405 | 奥克斯呼吸束 | 1 | Oakes, Jones | 健康教育家 | Jets Store | $128.70 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 114 | I1 | 心肺病理1 | Materials Provided in RES 110 | 老师提供的 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | ||||||
RES | 115 | 01 | 临床实践一 | Courseware | 轨迹软件许可用于临床跟踪 | Trajecsys | 老师提供的 | Included in Course Material Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 | |||
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323732956 | Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323598057 | 伊根呼吸护理基本原理练习册 | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284021028 | 多元文化的健康 | 2 | Ritter, Graham | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284206227 | 照顾病人评估及护理计划发展 | 2 | Shelledy,彼得斯 | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323553698 | Resp的临床表现及评价. Disease | 8 | 伯顿,查顿 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323551274 | Pilbeam’s Mechanical Ventilation | 7 | Cairo | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284139792 | 呼吸保健药理学原理 | 3 | Bills | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284139686 | 基础心律失常简介 | 5 | Atwood | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 01 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | 物理包 | 9780932887405 | 奥克斯呼吸束 | 1 | Oakes, Jones | 健康教育家 | Jets Store | $128.70 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323732956 | Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323598057 | 伊根呼吸护理基本原理练习册 | 12 | Kacmarek,短距起落 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284021028 | 多元文化的健康 | 2 | Ritter, Graham | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284206227 | 照顾病人评估及护理计划发展 | 2 | Shelledy,彼得斯 | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323553698 | Resp的临床表现及评价. Disease | 8 | 伯顿,查顿 | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9780323551274 | Pilbeam’s Mechanical Ventilation | 7 | Cairo | Elsevier | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284139792 | 呼吸保健药理学原理 | 3 | Bills | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | Ebook | 9781284139686 | 基础心律失常简介 | 5 | Atwood | Jones & Bartlett | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
RES | 210 | 02 | Perinatal/Pediatric Resp Care | 物理包 | 9780932887405 | 奥克斯呼吸束 | 1 | Oakes, Jones | 健康教育家 | Jets Store | $128.70 | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
SEM | 140 | 71 | 生命之路研讨会 | Ebook | 9780357694602 | 在课程中:在大学、事业和生活中创造成功的策略 | 9 | Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
SEM | 140 | H81 | 生命之路研讨会 | Ebook | 9780357694602 | 在课程中:在大学、事业和生活中创造成功的策略 | 9 | Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
SEM | 140 | I50 | 生命之路研讨会 | Ebook | 9780357694602 | 在课程中:在大学、事业和生活中创造成功的策略 | 9 | Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SEM | 140 | I51 | 生命之路研讨会 | Ebook | 9780357694602 | 在课程中:在大学、事业和生活中创造成功的策略 | 9 | Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SEM | 140 | I52 | 生命之路研讨会 | Ebook | 9780357694602 | 在课程中:在大学、事业和生活中创造成功的策略 | 9 | Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SMT | 245 | I50 | Sport Management Internship | Ebook | 9781305966826 | The Successful Internship | 5 | Sweitzer & King | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SMT | 255 | I50 | Sport Management Capstone | Ebook | 9781266604270 | Career Achievement: Growing your Goals | 4 | Karine Blackett | McGraw-Hill | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SOC | 152 | I50 | 社会心理学 | Ebook | 9780135198469 | 社会心理学: Goals in Interaction | 7 | Kenrick, Neuberg, Cialdini, | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SOC | 231 | I50 | 社会学原理 | Ebook | 9780357368633 | Sociology in our times: The Essentials | 12 | Kendall | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SOC | 231 | I51 | 社会学原理 | Ebook | 9780357368633 | Sociology in our times: The Essentials | 12 | Kendall | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SOC | 246 | I50 | 婚姻与家庭 | Ebook | 9780357691069 | Marriages, Families, and Relationships: | 13 | Riedman,管家 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
SPN | 131 | I1 | Elem Spanish I | Courseware | 9781543319446 | Panorama Supersite Plus w/vText | 6 | Blanco | 高等教育 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
SPN | 131 | I2 | Elem Spanish I | Courseware | 9781543319446 | Panorama Supersite Plus w/vText | 6 | Blanco | 高等教育 | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
SUR | 101 | 01 | 外科技术导论和专业实验室实践 | Courseware | 9781305956469 | 外科技术专家的外科技术 | 5 | Associaion of Surgical Technology | Cengage | Canvas | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 5/20/2024 | 8/12/2024 |
THR | 116 | I51 | 戏剧概论 | Ebook | 9781305147065 | 一种观察的方式 | 7 | Barranger,米莉 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |
THR | 116 | I50 | 戏剧概论 | Ebook | 9781305147065 | 一种观察的方式 | 7 | Barranger,米莉 | Cengage | BibliU | Included in Textbook Program Fee | 6/3/2024 | 7/21/2024 |